There are some nightly routines that I have that I cannot go without and that are healthy habits.
I can't sleep unless I have brushed my teeth, flossed, washed my face, and taken out my contacts. I love having these habits because I think it is an excellent way to prepare myself before going to sleep for the evening.
However, I also have some not so good before bed habits.
I ALWAYS sit on my phone at night once I have turned lights out. And I am always mad at myself afterwards. I usually plan to just scroll through my instagram feed really quickly and then put my phone down, but somehow it always escalates into watching dog videos on facebook, scrolling through pinterest, googling a million things, and all of a sudden over an hour has passed!! Why is it so dang hard to put down my phone at night.
My other bad night habit is....
I definitely do not keep the 'don't eat 3 hours before you go to bed rule'. And sometimes, I eat less than an hour before bed!! I know it's not healthy, bur I always seem to be craving sweets at night!
So I am channeling my own personal checklist for myself of having healthier nights and thus, a healthier life.
*set a time limit for time on the phone and once the time limit is reached, phone goes down!
*put the phone on the other side of the room so it is less of a temptation to pick it up again
*try not to make a screen the last thing I look at before bed, but instead, a book!
*stretch before sleeping!
*drink a glass of water or sleepy time tea before bed, don't go for cookies.
*limit food intake in evenings after it is three hours before sleeping!
There are PLENTY of other things I need to work on in order to be a healthier individual. Though I am not looking to change my appearance or lose weight, I just want to be a healthier person with better lifestyle choices. And lately, I have been really mad at myself for my unproductive nightly routines, so this is where it begins.
Here's to being the healthiest version of yourself!!!